[XeTeX] Decorative border around page
Kamal Abdali
k.abdali at acm.org
Tue Feb 9 07:21:27 CET 2010
Dear Fr. Michael,
When I had called for help, I had zero experience with xetex, font calls,
assembling borders with webomints glyphs, etc. Your two examples, each
calling the webomints fonts in two ways, were very instructive. Thank you!
Another helpful example was sample3.tex in the webomints package.
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 09:24, Fr. Michael Gilmary <
FrMichaelGilmary at maronitemonks.org> wrote:
> Kamal Abdali wrote:
> Fr. Michael,
>> 1. The example in the body of your message works, except that the
>> webomints
>> fonts get substituted by cmr fonts and thus the output looks different
>> from
>> intended. I got umrand easily, but I'm still struggling with the
>> installation of webomints fonts.
> Did you download the file for TT WebOMints GD --- that's the ttf that you
> can install on your system like any other. Then load with what's in the
> vine.tex file:
> \newfontfamily\webomints{WebOMints GD}
> I think it should work then.
Yes, after I downloaded and installed just the fonts (not the package), and
used your \newfontfamily command, and added " \usepackage{fontspec}" ,
the sample got printed nicely.
Now I've reinstalled MacTeX---this time the full package that I didn't have
before---, added the missing packages umrand and webomints, and tried the
original version you attributed to Rolf Niepraschk. It worked perfectly.
> 2. With vine.tex example, xelatex generates the error
>> (/usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fancyhdr/fancyhdr.sty
>> ! LaTeX Error: Command \footruleskip already defined.
>> Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.
>> Perhaps this has to do with the duplicate definitions in memoir and
>> fancyhdr
>> class. I wonder how you got to make the card!
> Sorry about that! I ignored those warnings by just pressing <enter> and
> letting the processor continue. It completes the task and sets the card just
> fine. But, just to be sure, I've corrected the input to avoid the warnings
> (by not using fancyhdr, as suggested, among other things). There's some
> warning from varwidth now that I can't figure otu Try this:
In addition to the new version below, I tried again the original version of
vine.tex given in your email of Feb 1. Some error messages show up but can
be ignored as you said. You suggested changing the font from Garamond
Premier Pro to Minion Pro. This requires the \XeTeXglyph parameter changes
as follows:
swashA : change 359 to 348, swashM: 371 to 360, swashH: 366 to 355,
Heart: 352 to 508
Without any other change, the old vine.tex works and prints the beautiful
Attached as oldvine.tex and oldvine.pdf.
Now about the new version you gave:
> %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
> %!TEX TS-program = xelatex
> \documentclass[12pt,oneside]{memoir}
> \usepackage{xltxtra}
> \usepackage{graphicx}
> \usepackage{polyglossia}
> \setdefaultlanguage[variant=us]{english}
> \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text, Numbers={Proportional,OldStyle}]{Minion
> Pro}
> \newfontfamily\webomints{WebOMints GD}
> \newcommand{\wb}[1]{\webomints\fontsize{12bp}{12bp}\selectfont #1}
(The above command can be commented out, as the one before suffices.)
> \usepackage{varwidth,umrand}
> \frenchspacing
> \raggedbottom
> \setstocksize{5in}{3.5in}
> \settrimmedsize{\stockheight}{\stockwidth}{*}
> \settypeblocksize{4.2in}{3in}{*}
> \setlrmargins{0.52in}{*}{1}
(This value generates a class memoir warning about \foremargin being
negative. Changing 0.52 to 0.5 as it was in the old vine.tex, the warning
goes away.)
> \headheight=24pt
> \headsep=0pt
> \footskip=0pt
> \checkandfixthelayout
> \pagestyle{empty}
> \parindent=0pt
> \newcommand\holycardinfo{%
> \begin{center}
> {\textsc{\Large Ellen M. Gill}}\par\bigskip
> Profession into the \\
> Secular Franciscan Order\\
> {\small 23 June 2009\par}
> \vspace*{18pt}
> \begin{small}
> \textsc{Most High} and glorious God,\\
> bring light to the \\
> darkness of my heart.\\
> Give me right faith, certain hope\\
> and perfect charity.\\
> Lord, give me insight and wisdom\\
> so I might discern\\
> Your holy and true will!
> \end{small}
> \end{center}
> \hspace{1.4in}\textit{Amen.}
> }
> \newsavebox\ornamentBox
> \begin{document}
> \sbox\ornamentBox{%
> \begin{varwidth}{.65\textwidth}
> \holycardinfo
> \end{varwidth}}
> \RandBox{\usebox{\ornamentBox}} font {\webomints} [0.0em]
> (a) ([f\\g]f) (b)
> ([\hspace{.03ex}\rotatebox{-180}{j}\\\rotatebox{-180}{k}])
> ([\rotatebox{-180}{i}\\\hspace{.03ex}\rotatebox{-180}{l}]) (a)
> ([f\\g]f) (b)
> \end{document}
This generates warnings from varwidth, and then:
Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \RandBox was complete.
<to be read again>
Ignoring the warnings completes the processing but the printout is wrong.
Attached as newvine1.tex and newvine1.pdf
I replaced the above \RandBox command with the one in the old vine.tex. As
far as I can tell, the two differ only whitespace. But now the program runs
successfully. I'm curious why!
Attached as newvine2.tex and newvine2.pdf.
> fr. michael gilmary, mma
Kamal Abdali
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