[XeTeX] Decorative border around page
Guido Herzog
guido_herzog at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 9 19:31:30 CET 2010
It's much simplier:
\usepackage{umrand, xcolor}
\parindent 0pt
\hoffset -25mm
\voffset -25mm
\hfuzz 200pt
\font\w = WebOMintsGD at 20pt %% Type1-Font WebOMintsGD.pfb
{\parbox {132mm}{%
More than three thousand years ago, small groups of semi-nomadic peoples
crossed the mountain regions that separate Central Asia from Iran and the
subcontinent of India. They spoke an Indo-European language, which developed
into Vedic, and imported the rudiments of a social and ritual system. Like
other speakers of Indo-European languages, they celebrated fire, called
Agni, and like their Iranian relatives, they adopted the cult of Soma -- a
plant, probably hallucinogenic, which grew in the high mountains. The
interaction between these Central-Asian adventurers and earlier inhabitants
of the Indian subcontinent gave birth to Vedic civilization, named after the
four Vedas, oral compositions that have been transmitted by word of mouth to
the present day. The Vedas depict Vedic religion, in the words of Louis
Renou (1953:29), as ``first and foremost a liturgy, and only secondarily a
mythological or speculative system.''
font {\w} [0pt]
(a) ([f\\g]f) (b)
(a) ([f\\g]f) (b)%
font {\w} [0pt]
(a) ([f\\g]f) (b)
(j[k\\j]) % <--
([i\\l]i) % <--
(a) ([f\\g]f) (b)
Guido Herzog
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 13:20:30 -0500
From: FrMichaelGilmary at maronitemonks.org
To: xetex at tug.org
Subject: Re: [XeTeX] Decorative border around page
Kamal Abdali wrote:
When I had called for help, I had zero experience with xetex, font calls,
assembling borders with webomints glyphs, etc. Your two examples, each
calling the webomints fonts in two ways, were very instructive. Thank you!
You're welcome! You're an experienced newbie now.
Now about the new version you gave:
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text, Numbers={Proportional,OldStyle}]{Minion
\newfontfamily\webomints{WebOMints GD}
\newcommand{\wb}[1]{\webomints\fontsize{12bp}{12bp}\selectfont #1}
(The above command can be commented out, as the one before suffices.)
Certainly, since it doesn't get used!
(This value generates a class memoir warning about \foremargin being
negative. Changing 0.52 to 0.5 as it was in the old vine.tex, the warning
goes away.)
Curious ... I don't get the error with either 0.52in or 0.5in.
\RandBox{\usebox{\ornamentBox}} font {\webomints} [0.0em]
(a) ([f\\g]f) (b)
([\rotatebox{-180}{i}\\\hspace{.03ex}\rotatebox{-180}{l}]) (a)
([f\\g]f) (b)
This generates warnings from varwidth, and then:
Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \RandBox was complete.
<to be read again>
That's because there's a blank line after [0.0em] instead of a simple line break ... you can avoid this by using the percent sign % so the engine will ignore the linebreak, then it will work.
For example:
\RandBox{\usebox{\ornamentBox}} font {\webomints} [0.0em]%
(a) ([f\\g]f) (b) ([\hspace{.03ex}\rotatebox{-180}{j}\\\rotatebox{-180}{k}]) ([\rotatebox{-180}{i}\\\hspace{.03ex}\rotatebox{-180}{l}]) (a) ([f\\g]f) (b)
Or, just delete the empty line, which I think is what was included in my last email.
I'm glad it works for you. It's rather a pain to set it up, but it does make for a lovely addition to a card or some types of documents.
United in adoration of Jesus,
fr. michael gilmary, mma
Most Holy Trinity Monastery
67 Dugway Road
Petersham, MA 01366-9725
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