[XeTeX] ArabXeTeX: Alif Maqsura

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Mon Mar 16 10:50:45 CET 2009

Am Sun, 15 Mar 2009 20:33:07 +0100 schrieb Tilman Hannemann:

> Hi,
> Strange, we all have the same results with ArabTeX, however, with  
> ArabXeTeX and Scheherazade, I view clearly something different:

Like Ross I too don't see the small little circle. 
My xetex is a bit newer:
This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.2-0.999.7 (MiKTeX 2.7)

And more important I think my bidi.sty is different:

I have:
Package: bidi 2008/07/01 v0.4 Bidirectional typesetting in XeLaTeX

While you have
bidi 2008/07/07 v0.3 

It's a bit difficult to say, which one in newer ;-)

So I would say you should at first try out if the problem disappears
with another bidi-version. 

If it doesn't help, get more informations on the font by running the
example on the command line with 

xelatex --output-driver="xdvipdfmx -vv" file

This will show you which font is used and you can look if there are
some unusual messages. 

Ulrike Fischer 

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