[XeTeX] Questions to MikTeX - First steps in arabxetex

François Charette firmicus at ankabut.net
Sat May 17 14:40:51 CEST 2008

Ulrike Fischer a écrit :
> Am Sat, 17 May 2008 13:15:07 +0200 schrieb Marek Stepanek:
>> So: What I did so far is: install complete versions of MikTeX on his Windows
>> machine; and two editors: TeXnicCenter and WinEdt (Probably not the right
>> ones, to write Arab-Farsi from right to left?). 
> No they are certainly not suited. You could look at texmaker
> (http://www.xm1math.net/texmaker/) or emacs but I don't know if they can
> handle right to left.

TeXMaker does support right-to-left and might be the best choice under 
Windows for your task.


PS: Tell your friend to change the English and French titles of his 
webpage as follows:

 >The rules  of   the  language   of Azarbajcan - at Persic language
Grammar of the Azeri Turkic language in Persian

 >Grammatique  de la langue  Turque  et Azerbaique en
Grammaire de la langue turque azérie en persan

Also the pdf files do not render well in my Adobe Reader 8.1.2: many 
characters are displayed as bullets (perhaps the fonts are incorrectly 

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