[XeTeX] polyglossia becoming reality...

Yves Codet ycodet at club-internet.fr
Thu Jan 10 09:42:05 CET 2008


Le 9 janv. 08 à 12:18, Jonathan Kew a écrit :

> On 9 Jan 2008, at 10:07 am, Yves Codet wrote:
>> I get these errors:
>> ! Undefined control sequence.
>> \french at punctuation ...kenstate =1\XeTeXcharclass
>>                                                    `\! 7
>> \XeTeXcharclass `\? 7...
>> l.9 \begin{document}
>> ? (./essai.aux)
>> ! Undefined control sequence.
> This and similar errors are because you're running the xetex from TeX
> Live, which is release 0.996, but polyglossia is using new features
> that are being introduced in 0.997 (not officially released yet,
> source available from the xetex subversion repository).

I installed 0.997 (using the tarball at  http://scripts.sil.org/svn- 
view/xetex/TRUNK). I still get errors, with the same test file:

! Undefined control sequence.
\noextras at greek ...k at numbers \nogreek at punctuation
                                                   \nogreek at stigma
l.10 \select at language {french}


What am I missing?

Best wishes,


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