[XeTeX] polyglossia becoming reality...

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Wed Jan 9 12:18:47 CET 2008

On 9 Jan 2008, at 10:07 am, Yves Codet wrote:

> I get these errors:
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> \french at punctuation ...kenstate =1\XeTeXcharclass
>                                                    `\! 7
> \XeTeXcharclass `\? 7...
> l.9 \begin{document}
> ? (./essai.aux)
> ! Undefined control sequence.

This and similar errors are because you're running the xetex from TeX  
Live, which is release 0.996, but polyglossia is using new features  
that are being introduced in 0.997 (not officially released yet,  
source available from the xetex subversion repository).


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