[XeTeX] polyglossia becoming reality...

François Charette firmicus at ankabut.net
Thu Jan 10 11:34:41 CET 2008

> (/Users/ycodet/Library/texmf/tex/xelatex/polyglossia/polyglossia.sty)
> (/Users/ycodet/Library/texmf/tex/xelatex/polyglossia/gloss-french.ldf)
> (/Users/ycodet/Library/texmf/tex/xelatex/polyglossia/gloss-greek.ldf)
> (./essai.aux
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> \noextras at greek ...k at numbers \nogreek at punctuation
>                                                    \nogreek at stigma
> l.10 \select at language {french}

The file gloss-greek.ldf I included in the zip file was unfortunately 
buggy (and a few other ones as well).  Now I have a new version which 
allows to select between monotonic, polytonic and ancient greek. Get the 
new version from http://ankabut.net/xetex/polyglossia.zip and try the 
following test file:

\load[variant=ancient]{greek} % <-- note the change
\setmainfont{Linux Libertine} % or Gentium
%\newfontfamily\greekfont[Script=Greek]{Lucida Grande}


Μῆνιν ἄειδε, θεά...

Chante, Muse, la colère...


The new zip file also contains another test file (test1.tex) with many 
languages, including modern and ancient greek, so you might try it as well.

By the way: when trying test1.tex I have encountered two problems I 
cannot solve:

* The command \today in Latvian does not print the year. I don't 
understand why.

* I had to comment out \local at hyphenmins{russian}{2}{2} from 
gloss-russian.ldf, otherwise the number 22 would be printed at the 
beginning of the russian environment (and before the date). Again I find 
this very puzzling, because this does not occur with other languages.

Any help appreciated on these!


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