[XeTeX] "Missing" system fonts

John Was john.was at ntlworld.com
Fri May 25 10:36:02 CEST 2007

Dear François

Well as a Scotsman of course I'll have to think very hard about spending 
money on a Mac...  I'll probably have it all set up satisfactorily in 
Windows once I get a couple of days free to concentrate on it, but I 
certainly felt that the installation process left me without some fairly 
basic information on how to use XeTeX efficiently.  Even now I haven't 
worked out how to get it to access my TeX files automatically - I'm having 
to update ls-R every time I write a new file.  And all the PDFs that XeTeX 
produces go in the same directory as the XeTeX program itself, when I would 
rather they went in the same directory as the TeX file that I am compiling. 
Again, there is probably a configuration file I can alter to achieve this, 
and I'll find it soon, but I haven't had to worry about that sort of thing 
for many years!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "François Charette" <firmicus at ankabut.net>
To: "Unicode-based TeX for Mac OS X and other platforms" <xetex at tug.org>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 8:43 AM
Subject: JunkEmail: Re: [XeTeX] "Missing" system fonts

John Was a écrit :
> I've no idea if that will work on the Mac (though it's fairly clear to me
> that I won't get off the ground properly with XeTeX till I get a Mac!)

You are of course free to buy a Mac if you can afford it :-)

But I really don't think it will provide you a huge advantage for the
strict purpose of running XeTeX, apart from the benefit of TeXShop and
those nice fonts that come with the system. I am perfectly happy with
XeTeX on my linux machine. I use (g)vim with latex-suite as an "IDE",
which is quite powerful. I no longer use Windows, but since that port is
based on the linux one, there should not be any additional difficulty
involved. And there are also several good (and more "user-friendly") TeX
gui tools for Windows available (like TeXnicCenter). These should be
fairly easy to configure for use with XeTeX, but Win users will be able
to help you further on that.


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