[XeTeX] Problems with crop package?

Stefano Franchi s.franchi at auckland.ac.nz
Thu Oct 20 07:37:12 CEST 2005

On Oct 19, 2005, at 6:32 PM, Ross Moore wrote:

> Hello Stefano,
> On 20/10/2005, at 9:54 AM, Stefano Franchi wrote:
>> To format my manuscript as per the press spec I have these two lines:
>> \usepackage[paperwidth=6in,paperheight=9in,includehead,width=4.5in,hei 
>> ght=7.5in,centering,heightrounded]{geometry}
>> \usepackage[frame,center,width=8.5in,height=11in]{crop}
>> They work fine in plain LaTeX. However XeTex goes berserk and gives  
>> me pages containing about a 3/4  of what they should be---typically  
>> the upper-left fourth. The remainder is cut off the page.  If I  
>> comment out the \usepackage{crop} I get the whole page back.
> Almost certainly the crop package is using \special commands that XeTeX
> doesn't support yet.
> Can you say what messages occur in the Log window ?
> e.g.  crop.sty has some coding:
> \newcommand*\CROP at setps{%
>     \ifx\Gin at PS@raw\@undefined
>         \PackageWarning{crop}{internal PostScript interface used}%
>         \newcommand*\CROP at ps[1]{\special{ps: ##1}}%
>     \else
>         \PackageInfo{crop}{graphics/color PostScript interface used}{}%
>         \let\CROP at ps\Gin at PS@raw
>     \fi
>     \let\CROP at setps\relax
> }

Hi Ross,

thanks for the help,

I am just a user and in spite of my repeated readings of the LaTeX  
companion I have absolutely no clues about what's going on in the lines  
from crop you reported above. The XeTeX log has a section about  
geometry and crop that seems normal (appended below). The console  
window in TeXShop has the rather cryptic remark that may or may not be  

[1] [2
### warning on page [1.0]: paper size "433.62pt,650.43pt" will take  
effect from NEXT page ] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]  
[14] [15] [16] [17]
[18] [19] [20]

Anyway, I hope this helps people who know about these things. I will be  
looking into an alternative solution for crop marks.



Section of Log file:

-------------------- Geometry parameters
paper: user defined
landscape: --
twocolumn: --
twoside: true
asymmetric: --
h-parts: 54.2025pt, 325.215pt, 54.2025pt
v-parts: 54.2025pt, 542.025pt, 54.2025pt
hmarginratio: 1:1
vmarginratio: 1:1
lines: --
heightrounded: true
bindingoffset: 0.0pt
truedimen: --
includehead: true
includefoot: --
includemp: --
driver: dvipdfm
-------------------- Page layout dimensions and switches
\paperwidth  433.62pt
\paperheight 650.43pt
\textwidth  325.215pt
\textheight 514.0pt
\oddsidemargin  -18.06749pt
\evensidemargin -18.06749pt
\topmargin  -18.06749pt
\headheight 15.0pt
\headsep    18.0pt
\footskip   42.0pt
\marginparwidth 115.1803pt
\marginparsep   12.8401pt
\columnsep  10.0pt
\skip\footins  9.0pt plus 4.0pt minus 2.0pt
\hoffset 0.0pt
\voffset 0.0pt
\mag 1000
\@twosidetrue \@mparswitchtrue
(1in=72.27pt, 1cm=28.45pt)
Package crop Info: requested driver: `' on input line 95.
Package crop Info: detected driver: `xetex' on input line 95.

Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy                  Ph:  (64) 9 373-7599 x83940
University Of Auckland			Fax: (64) 9 373-7408
Private Bag 92019				s.franchi at auckland.ac.nz
New Zealand			

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