[uktug-committee-public] Introductions

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Wed Oct 30 22:12:15 CET 2019

On 30/10/2019 11:49, Joseph Wright wrote:
> I'm Joseph Wright, in my day-job a university lecturer in chemistry 
> (inorganic synthesis and reaction mechanisms, for those of that mindset).
> I'm a member of the LaTeX team, where I work on various things but 
> mostly expl3 (LaTeX3 programming) development. I've written a few LaTeX 
> packages, one reasonably popular (siunitx), plus have more-or-less 
> accidentally ended up looking after the widely-used beamer class. I 
> writing a blog on (La)TeX matters as and when inspiration stikes 
> (https://www.texdev.net).
> I've been a member of UK-TUG committee for around a decade, and have 
> been Secretary for several years.
> Joseph Wright

It occurs to me that I should add that I'm one of the moderators and the 
popular TeX - LaTeX StackExchange site 

Joseph Wright

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