[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] Rpi 64bit TeX builds

Jay Hammond jayhammond00 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 19 17:33:16 CEST 2021

UKTUG  grants Simon Dales £200 towards  hardware to support building TeX 
on 64bit Arm chip.

Motivation: The Raspberry Pi is the most popular Arm device used for 
TeX. Simon  has been supporting this  (via TeXLive) for years. Technical 
changes to  the Pi and the wider computing environment mean that Simon 
needs new (64bit) hardware to continue to productively contribute. See 
the grant application submitted to the committee for details.

Discussion and voting from now until 23:59:59 on 27/09/09. That's (7 
days plus a small margin.

Jay Hammond

Please use jay at jjnr.uk not this account

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