[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] IoT grant application by Paulo Cereda withdrawn

Jay Hammond jay at jjnr.uk
Sat Aug 21 23:40:27 CEST 2021

I withdraw the motion below because  Paulo Cereda has  withdrawn the  
IoT grant application. The project is taking a different direction to 
that planned in January. Its needs and motivations for hardware have 

Motion starts:

UKTUG  resolves to fund the grant application made by Paulo Cereda  for
hardware to support Island of TeX which is available attached.

The value of the funding is to be the fees paid sterling equivalent of
BR$   25401 plus or minus 10%.

The grant is to be used for current hardware judged suitable by the
applicant, not necessarily the hardware specified in the application.

The actual payment will be against copies of  invoices.

motion ends.

Email use jay at jjnr.uk

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