[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] [UKTUG-Committee] AGM - what are our preferences?

Jonathan Underwood jonathan.underwood at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 22:45:06 CEST 2008

Brief answers on some of Jay's points from a personal perspective:

2008/6/18 Jay Hammond <homemade at talktalk.net>:
> a) Do we want to persuade members to adopt the constitution?

> b) Do we want/need  to strengthen the committee

> c) Do we want to continue our policy of supporting TeX projects?
And yes. Even if we fail at (a) and (b) and decide that TUG needs to
fold sometime soon I am personally committed to using the UKTUG money
as effectively as we can.

> If a) or b)  above, we need a significant turnout, and some Tex-
> related activity to create some buzz and enthusiasm. That takes
> planning.

Indeed. One possibility would be to mail every graduate school in the
UK telling them we're offering a free TeX training day course. Grad
students have to attend a certain number of courses these days, and
maths/science grads often need LaTeX skills. I'm sure we'd get takers.
I'm not sure any of them would join UKTUG, though.


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