[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] [UKTUG-Committee] AGM - what are our preferences?

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Wed Jun 18 22:45:22 CEST 2008

2008/6/18 Jay Hammond <homemade at talktalk.net>:
> not decided; I don't want to spend much time on committee work, but I
> realise that being "old guard" has the advantage that I can remember
> far enough back to suggest past errors to avoid!  Is this still a
> useful contribution?

I think so :-)

> What about one or more of
> BoF /training session /drop-in Q&A /poster sessions /install-fest ?

Training/Q&A/install fest sounds good and different to previous events.

> Dave? Charles? Is my sense of time pressure still accurate?

Universities start in October, so last 2 weeks of Sept would be good;
I guess that freshers won't be used to LaTeX anyway, so we wouldn't be
relevant for them yet anyway


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