[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] [UKTUG-Committee] AGM - what are our preferences?

Jay Hammond homemade at talktalk.net
Wed Jun 18 22:31:10 CEST 2008

> --On 17 June 2008 17:37 +0100 Jonathan Fine <jfine at pytex.org>
> wrote:
> > a)  if you'd like to attend the AGM plus committee meeting
 yes if i can

> > b)  and if so to tell us what your preferences are

I prefer weekends, but mondays and alternating tuesdays and thursdays 
are manageable.  (Not Sept 6/7)
Location; the further from London, the more inconvenient it becomes 
to arrive early and stay late. 
> > c)  and for completeness, whether you'd like to stay on the
> > committee

not decided; I don't want to spend much time on committee work, but I 
realise that being "old guard" has the advantage that I can remember 
far enough back to suggest past errors to avoid!  Is this still a 
useful contribution?

Venue. I offer to host up to 20 attendees in London.  see below

For completeness we should not just set a date for the AGM, but aims 
& objectives; ( and then the agenda)

a) Do we want to persuade members to adopt the constitution?
b) Do we want/need  to strengthen the committee
c) Do we want to continue our policy of supporting TeX projects?

If a) or b)  above, we need a significant turnout, and some Tex-
related activity to create some buzz and enthusiasm. That takes 

more detailed stuff;

 Is the committee meeting for outgoing members, incoming members or 
both? The first committee meeting after the AGM is when the new 
members take up their membership. The chair might like to have a 
brief committee meeting before the AGM to ensure smooth running of 
the AGM itself?  (He may wish to be reassured that that the officers 
are present and have their reports prepared ... ?  Find an acting 
Secretary... ? )  

If the turnout is likely to be low (below 20) I can host London. 
If we can think of an attraction or two, AND publicise it, then I 
suggest we hire a venue to hold 50, London or not.  

I think for 50  we will find a location even if it's not perfect on a 
date of our choice, if we start booking it soon.

The attractions need thought promptly;  

What about one or more of 
BoF /training session /drop-in Q&A /poster sessions /install-fest ?

The likely target audience for the AGM and any associated event will 
need to plan, and likely - as with the committee - have commitments 
over summer that make our publicity less effective than if it were 
during academic term. (note that  most university staff and students 
find the first term very busy. It's hard for them to  find time for 
outside activities, so pre term time might make sense where it does 
not clash with late conferences? Consider that those that do attend 
may not feel like volunteering to serve on the committee, if they 
have had to defer pressing university activity to attend the AGM?

Dave? Charles? Is my sense of time pressure still accurate?

best Jay

Jay Hammond

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