[UK-TUG] Motion VH1: Harcombe and Fine will stand for the committee ...

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 10:29:22 CET 2021


Keiran Harcombe and I will stand for the committee if you pass Howard Vie's
motion. If you wish for UK-TUG to continue then vote for Howard's motion.
If the motion is passed a way will be found to continue UK-TUG. To vote for
Howard's motion copy the text below
My votes for the SGM are:

and email it to the Secretary joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk.

Voting closes at midnight on Thursday.

with kind regards

Jonathan Fine
Keiran Harcombe



HV1. That UK-TUG continue to function, with the proviso that
(a) the Committee draft an updated Constitution to better reflect
 outcomes achievable by the group, and arranges for the members to
 consider this update as required by the current Constitution;
(b) the Committee reduce asset holdings in line with part (a),
donating dormant resources to TUG and DANTE

JF3. That UK-TUG be dissolved.

DS1. That UK-TUG be dissolved, and that its remaining assets be transferred
in accordance with Clause 5(3)(b) of the Constitution in two equal parts to:
(i) TeX Users Group (TUG), and
(ii) Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V. (DANTE).

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