[UK-TUG] On YouTube: UK TeX Hour: 5 Oct 2021: Remembering Sebastian Rahtz (founder of TeX Live)

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 14:26:38 CEST 2021


The UK TeX Hour yesterday was just me and Joseph Wright. I'm most grateful
to Joseph for attending. This allowed the first UK TeX Hour to hapen. Thank
you, Joseph.

I gave a short appreciation of the life and work of Sebastian Rahtz
(founder of TeX Live and many other contributions) and then Joseph and I
had a conversation. All this is preserved for posterity (and you) on
YouTube (24 minutes long).

You might also be interested in the videos from the celebration of
Sebastian's work, which took place at the University of Oxford on 16
November 2016.

Of particular interest to us is the message from Don Knuth that was read
out at this celebration of Sebastian's work.

SPQR was a major contributor to TeX for decades, especially as the
architect of the enormously popular TeX Live distribution. I think of him
as one of the main bridges between users of TeX in academic circles and
users of TeX in the real world. Without his efforts thousands of
publications would have been poorer.

It has always been a great comfort to me, when I find leaders of the
digital humanities enthusiastically enhancing the tools that I developed,
mostly with scientific applications in mind.

A year ago I wrote to Sebastian while planning a visit to Oxford and was
naturally shocked to learn about his diagnosis, conveyed to me with the
help of his daughter. Surely his legacy will live for a long time.

Best regards, Don

Happy TeXing

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