[UK-TUG] Jay Hammond's "dissolve forthwith" motion-on-a-motion

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 5 15:04:00 CEST 2021


Summary: This is boring constitutional stuff intended to help us avoid
difficulties at the SGM, about the meaning of the motions. It's all about
the meaning of "forthwith".

For now I'll focus on Jay's inner motion, which is: UK TUG resolves to
dissolve forthwith.

Except for the "forthwith", this is similar to my previously suggested
motion: That UK TUG be dissolved.

So what does "forthwith" mean? According to
https://www.dictionary.com/browse/forthwith it means "immediately, at once,
without delay".

However, the constitution specifies the process for dissolution. The first
clause in part reads: If the members resolve to dissolve UK-TUG the
Committee members will remain in office as the UK-TUG Committee and be
responsible for winding up the affairs of UK-TUG [...]

I think this and subsequent clauses implies that dissolution is a process
conducted by the Committee, and that dissolution comes to an end once all
assets are collected, all debts paid, and all remaining funds and property

Aside: I'm reading Jay's "dissolve" to mean "be dissolved", rather than
"begin the process of dissolution".

If in Jay's motion "forthwith" means "immediately" then his motion places a
hard or impossible burden on the committee. And if it means "without undue
delay" I don't see that it adds anything.

Finally, with the "immediately" meaning I'm concerned about it's
consistency with my draft motion: That UK-TUG's surplus assets be
distributed in proportion to the individually expressed wishes of members

with kind regards


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