[UK-TUG] SGM motions about UKTUG money.

John Trapp j.j.trapp.65 at cantab.net
Thu Sep 30 23:58:06 CEST 2021

I have been used to sending in my sub to UK-TUG and it paying my contribution to TUG. This is now in jeopardy, and I don’t know what is my membership status with TUG. I have not received a TUGBoat in ages, so I think that I have lapsed, not what I wanted. What is happening?

I am all for giving the money to TUG should the club be wound up.

Sent from Mail for Windows

From: Jay Hammond
Sent: 30 September 2021 15:27
To: uktug-announce at tug.org
Subject: [UK-TUG] SGM motions about UKTUG money.

Hi members,
As chair I just told you of an SGM on dissolution. 
 I'd like to say more about motions  at the SGM  to do with  money.  This is just me,  I'm not speaking for the committee.
IF UKTUG dissolves there  will be  "Surplus funds". Surplus funds are  money left over after UKTUG  has sold its stuff, paid its debts etc. I think it might be  about £8000. This is just a guide.
It turns out you need to move fast if you want to see a motion that tells the committee who to give that money to. Sorry. I might explain the politics of the timetabling another time.
• On dissolution, surplus funds must go to an organisation that has aims similar to those of UKTUG.
• The organisation must be willing to accept the money.  
TUG is willing. 
If you feel strongly that (some) surplus funds should go elsewhere, please get in touch with me or the committee as soon as possible. 
Timing: the committee needs some time to approve /prepare motions, and motions must be with the secretary before noon October 12th. It makes matters more difficult that our constitution thinks email takes 48 hours between leaving and arriving. (It was written when some email still travelled over road, rail rather than cable.) 
best wishes,
Jay Hammond

Email use jay at jjnr.uk
Email use jay at jjnr.uk

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