[UK-TUG] Dissolution of UKTUG necessary

Jay Hammond jay at jjnr.uk
Sat Sep 18 16:56:11 CEST 2021

Dear Member,

The committee is taking the necessary steps to dissolve UKTUG.

What follows is a majority opinion.

The committee is unable to effectively promote UKTUG's aims, and is 
struggling  to stay both legal and within the now outdated constitution.

We see no prospect of a "fix", such as refreshing the committee and 
updating the  constitution. You, the members,  have not stepped forward 
in sufficient numbers when asked. We, the committee,  are unwilling to 
continue with this burden. Dissolution is the only proper outcome.

The constitution requires the committee, on dissolution of UKTUG, to 
give surplus funds to an organisation that has similar aims to UKTUG.

We are currently looking for a suitable organisation willing to receive 
the funds.

We intend to call  a Special General Meeting  (SGM) , where we expect 
you to vote for dissolution. Details will follow.

Jay Hammond

chair at uktug.org.uk, jay at jjnr.uk

Email usejay at jjnr.uk

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