[UK-TUG] Opinion on 2019-2020 UKTUG year reports as AGM was inquorate

Jay Hammond jay at jjnr.uk
Thu Apr 29 16:31:44 CEST 2021

Dear Members

This request is from me. I have not asked the committee about it. I 
don’t know their opinion of it.

Last year we (UKTUG) attempted to hold an AGM. As you will know, we (The 
secretary, on behalf of the committee) circulated the papers, we 
(committee) set & announced a date and the motions.

In preparation, I had spent many hours of studying the constitution to 
adapt to Covid conditions. I believed I had found a solution. The 
initial attempt to hold the AGM was, as expected, inquorate. I planned 
for the AGM to be resumed a week later, and for it then to be quorate 
with one member present. The constitution left us with few choices about 
how to achieve that and it turned out to be too difficult for the chair 
of the AGM to do in time. So no quorate AGM was held.

The point of an AGM is for you, the members, to tell the committee what 
you want it to do in the coming year. And to make sure that what was 
done in the previous year was as it should be.

You’ve had the reports from secretary, chair & treasurer. We (the 
committee) did our best, given our skills, time and commitment.

Using uktug-announce at tug.org, (shared with members)   or 
chair at uktug.org.uk  (just to me)  do comment on the 2019-2020 reports, 
if you think there is anything wrong and fixable, or practically 
improvable. I’m not interested in theory at this late stage.

Do also comment on what needs doing urgently in this, the 2020-2021 year.

Thank you,

Jay Hammond, UKTUG chair,

P.S. Ive attached my report, & that from the treasurer. When I locate 
the secretary's report I'll post that here too.

Email use jay at jjnr.uk

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Draft AGENDA for 2019-2020 AGM

present Joseph Wright
absent: everyone else. No formal apology for absence is required. If you wish to record your absence from the AGM with UKTUG, then please email chair at uktug.org.uk with the subject “Absent from UKTUG AGM”

    1. minutes of 2019 meeting, approval
    2. chair of meeting Joseph Wright
    3. Membership fees for 2020/21  
    4. The committee members shall be elected at the AGM. 
    5. report from Chair
    6. reports from Secretary
    7. report from Treasurer 
    8. AGM will arrange for such degree of inspection of the forthcoming 2020-21 accounts as is deemed prudent in the circumstances 
    9. AOB
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