[UK-TUG] FW: UK-TUG Projects

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 11:35:19 CET 2020

Hi Richard

Thank you very much for your thoughtful contribution, based on your own
experience. I'll respond to just one of your many important points.

You wrote: If, on the other hand, I have missed some obvious alternative
source of guidance on style-file creation, I do hope someone will point me
in the right direction.

Searching for "style" (or "class") on the latex3 site produced as the first
interesting result

This document is dated 1995-2006, and it gives special attention to
migration from LaTeX 2.09.

The following search on tex.sx didn't show anything that to me seemed

Perhaps the UK TUG members who are in the LaTeX3 project are able to
provide links to further useful resources. I'd appreciate that.

It does seem to me that a small project to list and review some of the
existing resources would well be worth doing, and I'd be most pleased to
work with you on that.

with best regards

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