[UK-TUG] Jonathan Fine's motion for UK TUG AGM

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 09:45:59 CET 2020

On Thu, 26 Nov 2020 at 13:25, Jonathan Fine <jfine2358 at gmail.com> wrote:

> (19) In June 2020, TUG announced that the TUG 2020 conference would
> happen, as a free online event.
> (20)The committee did not tell members about the free TUG 2020 event.
You might like to check the records of emails sent to the group.


Hello all,

COVID-19 means that the normal TUG conference can't go ahead in physical
format. However, it's still happening electronically:
https://tug.org/tug2020/index.html. This is an opportunity to 'go' to
TUG meeting that otherwise might be out-of-reach to many of us:
registration is free, and it should be possible to 'dip in' more readily
than normal.


Joseph Wright
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