[UK-TUG] Formal notice of AGM

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Thu Nov 5 21:27:34 CET 2020

Dear Member,

The UK-TUG Constitution requires that an Annual General Meeting (AGM) be 
held every year. It also does not make provision for that meeting to be 
held electronically. The current COVID restrictions make it impossible 
to hold a *quorate* AGM. The Committee intend to call a Special 
Electronic General Meeting (SEGM) to address this, as such a meeting can 
transact business. However, an AGM must still be called.

I therefore give notice that the UK-TUG AGM will take place at 11:00 on 
the 9th of December 2020 at the School of Chemistry of the University of 
East Anglia.

Members may submit motions for the AGM, as stated by the Constitution. 
However, the Committee strongly suggest that such motions are instead 
submitted to the SEGM, when called, as this will be able to debate them 
in a quorate manner.


Joseph Wright
Secretary, UK-TUG

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