[UK-TUG] Motions for the 2019 AGM

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Mon Nov 4 14:42:32 CET 2019

On 03/11/2019 22:57, Joseph Wright wrote:
> Dear Member,
> The following motions are for consideration at the AGM.
> 1. That the membership fee for new member in 2020 be £10, and that there
>     be no fee for membership renewal.
> 2. That there be a Special General Meeting in May or June 2020, whose
>     sole purpose is to discuss motions related to the dissolution of
>     UK-TUG.
> 3. That the incoming committee give details to members within three
>     months of how UK-TUG continues to operate in accord with the
>     constitution.
> 4. That the incoming committee give details to members within three
>     months of how UK-TUG continues to promote TeX use, particularly with
>     reference to the community beyond current members.
> 5. That if the incoming committee is unable to address actions from
>     Motions 3 and 4, the committee will call a special general meeting
>     (SEGM) to take place between 80 days and 110 days after the AGM. The
>     SEGM should consider a motion to dissolve UK-TUG plus other motions
>     which may be tabled in the fashion described by the Constitution. The
>     motion to dissolve must include details of how UK-TUG material will
>     be archived and where residual funds will be distributed.
> 6. That UK-TUG should be dissolved.
> 7. That if Motion 6 is passed, any remaining funds after liabilities
>     have been discharged should be distributed to TUG and DANTE to
>     further support TeX activities.
> Details of the voting procedure for members not able to attend the AGM 
> will be circulated in due course. Some motions have additional notes 
> from the proposer: these will be circulate separately.
> Regards,
> Joseph Wright
> UK-TUG Secretary

Dear Member,

For reference, the motions were proposed by the following members:

1 Joseph Wright (as Secretary)

2 Jonathan Fine

3-5 Jay Hammond

6,7 David Carlisle


Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary

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