[UK-TUG] Further details of UK TUG AGM, 2pm on Saturday 16 November

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Tue Oct 29 22:55:03 CET 2019

Last week we sent you formal notice of the UK AGM, at 2pm on Saturday 
16th November, Trinity College, Oxford. The notice is also available 
online at http://uk.tug.org/. Here's more information, to help the 
meeting go well. They'll be free lunch (see below).

You can contact us at uktug-committee at uk.tug.org (and 
http://uk.tug.org/about lists the committee members).

# The future of UK-TUG

The Committee has decided to hold a publicly viewable online discussion 
on the future of UK-TUG. Anyone can send a message to the whole 
committee, or individual member, asking that something be posted to this 
discussion. You can even ask for a new discussion thread to be created. 
You can see this discussion at: 

# Lunch

They'll be a free lunch for members prior to the AGM, paid for from 
UK-TUG funds. It will be at 12:30, at the Pizza Hut at Golden Cross (off 
Cornmarket) in Oxford. The committee has done this to encourage 
attendance to the AGM, and allow members to have informal discussion.

# Menu

If you're coming please let us know, so we can book a table. It would 
also help if you could look at the menu, and let us know what you'd like 
to eat.

# About the AGM

Usually, the AGM was part of a Speaker Day. This year, to give a strong 
focus on the future of UK-TUG, they'll be no scheduled speakers. This 
allows more open-ended informal discussion, both before the AGM and 
during adjournments in the formal business. We welcome relevant short 
talks, prepared or impromptu. The AGM controls its own business.

# Treasurer

The long-standing UK-TUG Treasurer, John Peters, will not be continuing 
in his role for personal reasons. He will be hard to replace. If you 
think you can help, please contact the Committee, and also consider 
standing for the committee. Any offers of help with this special role 
will be much appreciated.

# Committee, Chair and Motions

There are elections for both Chair and committee. Nominations close on 
November 1st for the Chair and the start of the AGM for the committee. 
Any can submit a motion for the AGM to vote on, provided submitted by 
end of November 1st.

For more details see the previous announcement, or contact the committee 
(who can also provide advice).

# Voting at AGM

You will be able to vote electronically on the AGM motions. Details will 
be circulated along with the motions.

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