[UK-TUG] UK-TUG Chair Election

Kaveh Bazargan kaveh at rivervalleytechnologies.com
Mon Nov 17 12:40:23 CET 2014

Thank you Joseph and I look forward to working with members and committee
to further the cause of TeX...


On 16 November 2014 10:32, Joseph Wright <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk>

> Dear Member,
> Following the earlier notice concerning the position Chair of UK-TUG, I
> have received one nomination: Kaveh Bazargan. As there is a single name,
> an election is not required and Kaveh will become Chair of UK-TUG at the
> end of our 2014 AGM for a period of two years.
> In support of his nomination, Kaveh provided an 'election address' text.
> While we will not require an election, I am sure members will be
> interested in what our Chair-elect says.  I have therefore included his
> address below.
> Regards,
> Joseph Wright
> UK-TUG Secretary
> =======================================
> I have been a TeX user since 1983, and I believe the very first
> user of TeX at Imperial College, London. For the last 25 years I
> have made a living out of TeX, by providing services to academic
> publishers. Perhaps now is the time for me to "give back" to the
> TeX community, and to do what I can to increase the usage of
> TeX.
> There is one particular gap I see that TeXies might be able to
> help with, and that is training the staff at publishing houses
> who have to deal with TeX files, but who have next to no
> knowledge about it. I hope that we can organize regular training
> courses through UKTuG and I would like to do what I can in that
> regard. these might be courses attended in person, or live
> online "webinars".
> A second area in which I believe we should educate people is in
> non-math uses of TeX, particularly for typesetting high quality
> academic material. Again this is an area not familiar to
> publishers.
> Finally I think that we can organize more UKTuG meetings. I am
> happy to organize the video recording or livestreaming of these
> events in order to spread the word further.
> Kaveh Bazargan

Kaveh Bazargan
River Valley Technologies
+44 7771 824 111
kaveh at rivervalleytechnologies.com
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