FYI: UK TUG AGM motions + email voting

J.Fine J.Fine at
Fri Nov 14 23:28:06 CET 2008

Dear UK TUG Member

You should by now have received the ballot form for the draft new constitution and the TeX Live DVD.  Many thanks to all who have voted on this already.  If you wish to attend the AGM and speaker meeting please let us know, so we can provide lunch for you.

The AGM takes place at 2pm on Saturday 22nd November, at Physics and Astronomy, Room E7, UCL London.  All may attend, and the whole day is without charge.

Minutes of the 2007 AGM will follow shortly.  Listed below are the five motions for the 2008 AGM, all moved by our Treasurer, David Saunders.

If you wish to vote by email on any of these motions then please send an email to mailto:J.Fine at to arrive by 10am on Friday 21st November stating your name and how you vote on each motion.

The easiest way to do this is to reply to this message, and ensure that the 'To' address is correct.

1. That this meeting approves the accounts for 2007-8.

Motion 1: Write 'For', 'Against' or 'Abstain':

2. That this meeting appoints Paul Chu of 73 Zetland Street, London, E14
6PR to inspect the 2008–9 accounts.

Motion 2: Write 'For', 'Against' or 'Abstain':

3. That the entrance fee for new members in 2009 be £10, and that free 2009 membership be provided to those 2008 members who indicate explicitly that they wish to take advantage of this offer.

Motion 3: Write 'For', 'Against' or 'Abstain':

4. That this meeting asks the Committee to consider the future directions of UK-TUG, and to provide a report to the members by 31st March 2009. 
[An Explanatory Note from the proposer of this motion is provided below, in the Appendix]

Motion 4: Write 'For', 'Against' or 'Abstain':

5.  That the UK-TUG book scheme be closed. 
[An Explanatory Note from the proposer of this motion is provided below, in the Appendix]

Motion 5: Write 'For', 'Against' or 'Abstain':


1.  Apologies

2.  Minutes of 2007 AGM

3.  Reports
a)  Chair's report (including acting Secretary)
b)  Treasurer's report
c)  Membership Secretary's report
d)  Webmaster's report

4.  Ballot on the Constitution

5.  Motions (as listed above)

6.  Election of Committee members

7.  Any Other Business


Explanatory notes from the proposer of Motions 4 and 5

Motion 4:

Members might wish to know that there have been occasional discussions about the future direction of UK-TUG within the Committee. The purpose of this motion is to enable a further discussion at the AGM, so that 
progress on this matter can be informed by comments from the membership.

I wish to make it clear that I am not proposing this motion on behalf of the Committee.

Motion 5:

The Book Scheme is administered for UK-TUG by David Lindsey. David reported that the scheme had not been used in the past two years, and suggested that it be closed. In a subsequent email, he made the following remarks:

"These aren't really major second thoughts but... it took some time & effort to set this up, albeit some time ago, and was for a while, quite frequently used. I'm a little out of the Tex/LaTex loop now so I'm not sure whether the classic Knuth/Lamport books are of little use to newcoming members. I'm also a little surprised that no one in UKTUG seem to be interested in any of the vast array of software titles put out by
O' Reilly which also comes under the scheme. Before severing the connection I'd like to be sure that this is what the membership is happy for us to do. Perhaps it's for the Committee to decide or even, dare I say it, an AGM?"

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).
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