FYI: UK TUG AGM motions + email voting

Gindo Tampubolon Gindo.Tampubolon at
Sat Nov 15 12:32:10 CET 2008

Dear Jay,

1. That this meeting approves the accounts for 2007-8.

Motion 1: Write 'For'

2. That this meeting appoints Paul Chu of 73 Zetland Street, London, E14
6PR to inspect the 2008-9 accounts.

Motion 2: Write 'For'

3. That the entrance fee for new members in 2009 be £10, and that free 2009 membership be provided to those 2008 members who indicate explicitly that they wish to take advantage of this offer.

Motion 3: Write 'For'

Can I say now that I want to take advantage of this?

4. That this meeting asks the Committee to consider the future directions of UK-TUG, and to provide a report to the members by 31st March 2009. 
[An Explanatory Note from the proposer of this motion is provided below, in the Appendix]

Motion 4: Write 'For'

5.  That the UK-TUG book scheme be closed. 
[An Explanatory Note from the proposer of this motion is provided below, in the Appendix]

Motion 5: Write 'Against'

I feel sorry for notusing this scheme before, but I do have a few TeX books and would like to suggest some to my new students. So please, keep it alive.
With many thanks to David Lindsey.

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