DVD and UK TUG AGM mailing - Draft Constitution

Jonathan Fine jfine at pytex.org
Tue Nov 4 18:54:27 CET 2008

Dear UK TeX Users Group Member

[[A mailing was sent out to you yesterday, 2nd class.  Here is a text 
version of the covering letter.  Please contact me if it has not arrived 
by Saturday.]]

Over the last year we have been discussing the draft of a new UKTUG
Constitution, and we are now at the point where we need to take a vote
from all members in order to decide whether we adopt this draft as our
new constitution. Enclosed is a copy of the draft, a voting form and a
stamped addressed envelope (except for overseas members).

Votes must be received prior to the AGM, which is at Saturday 22nd
November at 2pm, at University College London.  It is part of a
speaker meeting, which starts at 11am and finishes at 5pm.  There is
no charge for the meeting.  Instructions for moving motions are in the
timetable below.  Again, you can use the enclosed stamped addressed

It is important that you let us know if you are attending the meeting
on 22nd November as we need to know numbers in order to provide
sufficient lunch.

In 2006 I was elected Chair of UK TUG, and this year mine was the only
nomination, and so I am elected unopposed, to serve as Chair until
2010.  If you'd like to stand for the Committee, please fill in the
enclosed form and send it to us. (You can use the same envelope as the
constitution ballot.)

Also enclosed is the 2008 \TeX{} Live DVD, which several of you have been
asking for.  We thank DANTE, the German \TeX{} Users Group, for arranging
the production of these DVDs.

So, to summarise.  Please vote on the proposed new Constitution, please
consider standing for the Committee, move a motion if you wish, and let
us know if you wish to attend the AGM.

with best regards

Jonathan Fine
Chair, UK TeX Users Group
PS:  Please do vote on the draft new Constitution.

Saturday 8th November: Closing date for receipt of AGM Motions
Saturday 15th November: Closing date for receipt of Committee Nominations

Tuesday 18 November: Last safe date for UK second class
mailing of Constitution vote.

Saturday 22 November - 2pm to 3pm: \textbf{UK TUG AGM}

{The AGM will take place at}

     Physics and Astronomy, Room E7\\
     University College London\\
     London (walking distance from Euston)\\

Saturday 22 November - 11am to 5pm:  Speaker meeting, with speakers

    Edd Barrett: Porting \TeX{} Live to BSD\\
    Dave Crossland:  METAFONT and type design\\
    Jonathan Fine: \TeX\ as a web service\\
    Jelle Huisman: Typesetting dictionaries in Con\TeX{}t\\
    Joseph Wright: Contributions to \LaTeX 3\\

I would like to stand for the Committee of UK TUG.

Name:                                    Date:



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