[Tugindia] problem with bibliography

Shrisha Rao shrao at nyx.net
Sat Oct 1 06:09:32 CEST 2011

El oct 1, 2011, a las 9:27 a.m., aniruddha rumale escribió:

> dear sir/madam
> i created a .bib file containing papers from same author(s) and included it in my main tex file.
> after compilation I got name of authors printed for first entry in bibliogrphy and for rest entries 
> I just got a dash line in place of authors name.

This is a standard for some bibliography styles, e.g., for IEEEtran.bst (invoked as \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran}), when there is more than one publication by the same author.  If you want another style, just use whatever you prefer (acm, amsplain, siam, apacite, etc.) in place of IEEEtran or whatever you have now.


Shrisha Rao

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