[Tugindia] Kile again

Raj Singh raj.ceeri at gmail.com
Thu May 10 09:37:54 CEST 2007


> I would like to attach a xfig file to a TeX document in Kile. I am told I
> shd convert it to .eps first. How do I do that ?

Please check the "export file" option of Xfig (the short-cut key is
meta-x). It allows you to export the figure in a variety of formats,
including eps.

> I am using usepackage {epsfig} in the preamble
> \begin {figure}
> \resizebox{3in}{!}{\includegraphics {filename.eps}
> \caption
> \label
> end{figure}

Better to use the package "graphicx" instead of "epsfig". There are
other graphics packages also supported by LaTeX (and hopefully by

-- Raj

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