[Tugindia] Kile again

Asha G dendron.15 at gmail.com
Thu May 10 09:03:22 CEST 2007

I would like to attach a xfig file to a TeX document in Kile. I am told I
shd convert it to .eps first. How do I do that ?

I am using usepackage {epsfig} in the preamble
\begin {figure}
\resizebox{3in}{!}{\includegraphics {filename.eps}
but get an error message saying : file.eps not found and bounding box not
I also find that the document does not compile if their are errors in the
figure attachment. Say if fig on page 3 don't attach, then page 4 onwards
does not compile. So does it mean each page has to be completed before we
can move to the next one?

Please help. I have tried your Tug India tutorials but did not find them
helpful in this regard.


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