[Tugindia] OT: Questions Database

Aditya Dushyant Trivedi atrivedi2 at student.gsu.edu
Fri Jun 4 19:45:46 CEST 2004

This is a bit off-topic but useful to many on the list.

I am considering creating a database of questions which can be used to create say quizzes, exams etc. The idea is to create a file (LaTeX) for each question. 

My question to the list is has anyone done something similar? Ideally I would like to have some sort of preview mechanism (PDF) so that I can view the question before I select it to create an exam.

This needs to work on a Mac. I was considering using FileMaker and some scripting. Since I have not used FileMaker before, I am willing to consider MySQL or PostgreSQL as well. I would need a GUI interface so that others can use it as well.

Any help/suggestions where to start? Thanks.


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