[Tugindia] Alphabetical lists

CV Radhakrishnan cvr at river-valley.org
Sun Dec 5 04:34:10 CET 2004

On Sun, December 5, 2004 6:56 am, Wagish Shukla said:


> Thanks a lot. This indeed worked. Now how to insert
> this kind of preamble in an index? I am using the
> index package which permits multiple indices. I would
> be grateful for help in the problem of adding a
> preamble and a postamble in 1) multiple indices 2)
> multiple glossaries and 3) multiple nomenclatures, all
> in the same document.

I have no idea which package you've been using to generate multiple
indices. Could you tell me which package it is?

> I may add that I tried \def\indexpreamble{This is a
> preamble text\begin{multicol{2}}} etc trying to
> imitate this. But apparently this does not work and
> the manual for the index package in the latex
> companion did not help. However, the latex companion
> index does have a preamble and apparently there must
> be a provision for a postamble.

Here is one way of doing what you wanted in the normal index of book.cls:



    {\columnseprule \z@
     \columnsep 35\p@
     \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax

\def\indexpreamble{This is the index preamble.}
\def\indexpostamble{This is index postamble.}








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