[Tugindia] Adding an Appendix to a report

yoga at math.iisc.ernet.in yoga at math.iisc.ernet.in
Tue Jun 17 13:16:50 CEST 2003

> How can I add an Appendix to a report such that it does not appear as a
> chapter? I would like the header to say Appendix in italics.

In the Book class there are these commands - \frontmatter, \mainmatter and 
\backmatter - which take care of these things. *frontmatter* usually 
consists of table of contents, preface, acknowledgements, etc and these 
pages are numbered in roman numerals; the *mainmatter* is the body of book 
usually consisting of all the  chapters and *backmatter* consists of 
appendices, index, bibliography etc. The detainls are in the LaTeX book of 


C S Yogananda
Dept. of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore - 560012
Ph: 3942265 (O)
    6524056 (R)

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