[Tugindia] Matrix Column alignments

Ashis Kumar Mal akmal at ece.iitkgp.ernet.in
Sat Jul 26 14:37:31 CEST 2003

Dear Herbert,
Thanks for your quick help.
Unfortunately, I could not get it work.
Here is my code

\centerline{\bf Table I::DCT Matrix (N=8)}% Heading
 1.000&  1.000&  1.000&  1.000&  1.000&  1.000&  1.000&  1.000  \\
 0.981&  0.831&  0.556&  0.195& -0.195& -0.556& -0.831& -0.981  \\
 0.924&  0.383& -0.383& -0.924& -0.924& -0.383&  0.383&  0.924  \\
 0.831& -0.195& -0.981& -0.556&  0.556&  0.981&  0.195& -0.831  \\
 0.707& -0.707& -0.707&  0.707&  0.707& -0.707& -0.707&  0.707  \\
 0.556& -0.981&  0.195&  0.831& -0.831& -0.195&  0.981& -0.556  \\
 0.383& -0.924&  0.924& -0.383& -0.383&  0.924& -0.924&  0.383  \\
 0.195& -0.556&  0.831& -0.981&  0.981& -0.831&  0.556& -0.195

The output still remains left aligned. Please help me 
to get it working.

With regards,

Ashis Kumar Mal,

On Sat, 26 Jul 2003, Herbert Voss wrote:

> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{amsmath}
> \makeatletter
> \def\env at matrix{\hskip -\arraycolsep
>    \let\@ifnextchar\new at ifnextchar
>    \array{*\c at MaxMatrixCols r}}
> \makeatother
> \begin{document}
> \[
> \begin{vmatrix}
>   -0.32 & 0.32\\
>    0.32 & -0.32
> \end{vmatrix}
> \]
> \end{document}

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