[Tugindia] Matrix Column alignments

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at alumni.TU-Berlin.DE
Sat Jul 26 09:26:03 CEST 2003

Ashis Kumar Mal schrieb:

> |-0.32  0.32|
> | 0.32 -0.32|
> Could someone please help me to align the columns 
> so that elements will be right aligned.
> [I don't want to use arrays here.]

redefine the matrix environment


\def\env at matrix{\hskip -\arraycolsep
   \let\@ifnextchar\new at ifnextchar
   \array{*\c at MaxMatrixCols r}}

  -0.32 & 0.32\\
   0.32 & -0.32


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