[tlu] Bug on TLU? On TeX Live server? Or no bug at all? (package codedescribe)

quark67 quark67 at free.fr
Wed Dec 20 22:52:38 CET 2023

> Le 20 déc. 2023 à 22:35, Adam R. Maxwell <amaxwell at mac.com> a écrit :
>> On Dec 20, 2023, at 11:56 , quark67 <quark67 at free.fr> wrote:
>> So what? Why must codedescribe be "Forcibly removed" if it is on TeX Live?
> This usually happens when there was a problem during a prior update, as Karl said.
> Select the package in the list and choose "Install" from the Actions menu (or perhaps Reinstall; I don't recall which is shown).

Thanks, it's resolved. I used the "Install" from the Action menu. Thanks also to Karl Berry.

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