[tlu] TLU update [was Re: TeXShop 4.58]

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Tue Jan 5 04:07:25 CET 2021

Bcc: to the mactex list since that's where this thread started. Replies
should go to the TLU list (if any).

> On Jan 4, 2021, at 02:16 , Bruno Voisin via MacTeX <mactex at tug.org> wrote:
> TeXShop is not the only MacTeX software that gratified us with a new version for the new year: TeX Live Utility has also been silently updated by Adam to new versions 1.40 and 1.38 at
> 	https://github.com/amaxwell/tlutility/releases
> I am not aware of a change log. Using the compare function of GitHub, the changes between the two seem minimal (an updated CTAN sites list, changes to the build script).

You should only see 1.40 in Sparkle, and you should also see the release notes.
I've copied them here, also, just for completeness.

Changes Since 1.36

• Snow Leopard is no longer supported, due to Apple developer tool limitations
• Added TL 2019 mirror to legacy list
• Random files no longer shown for uninstalled packages (issue 90)
• French localization
• TLU should no longer be selectable as a default web browser
• Fixed drawing problems with search field and repository field on recent Mac OS versions
• Fixed font color inversion problem for selected table rows on recent Mac OS versions
• Fixed dark mode drawing problems, for you weirdos who use that abomination
• German localization

> I'm realizing its archive is only available to list members.

Thanks, I sent an email to Karl about this.


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