[tlu] beta with texdist switching

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Sat May 2 19:57:41 CEST 2015

> On May 1, 2015, at 17:50 , Richard Koch <koch at uoregon.edu> wrote:
> Adam,
> I took a closer look at the modified TLU this afternoon, while sitting in an Astoria, Oregon motel.
> While the current version is close to what I wanted, I recommend two small changes:
> 	a) When selecting a new distribution, the Security Dialog comes up, and after it quits,
> 	there is a small delay before the appropriate selection activates. The delay might be
> 	one or two seconds, but it is noticeable.

I'll think about how to change this. It's a tableview, so just
loads from its datasource (which is the actual state of the
symlink). There might be another way around it, but it's not
just a reordering of code, unfortunately.

> 	b) This morning I said that you could ignore commands to change between intel32 and intel64
> 	(whatever they are called). But now I notice that if a user selects intel32 in the old
> 	Pref Pane, then it will appear as intel32 in your dialog. And there is no way to change the
> 	item back to intel64 except by going back to the old Pane.

Thanks for making that test, since that's exactly what I expected
to happen. I'm currently arguing with myself over whether
to allow changing the architecture, or just hiding it from
the user (i.e., removing that table column). If no one knows
that it exists, we might all be happier!

The architecture-changing is a transient thing, as I see it; in
another 10-15 years, I assume MacTeX will finally drop support
for PPC and 32-bit Intel, right? :-)

thanks for the comments!

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