[tldistro] texmf_scripts installation

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Thu Jul 4 00:10:59 CEST 2024

Hi Florian - thanks for writing.

    Gentoo currently links mktexlsr ò mktexlsr.pl, when it should be
    mktexlsr ò mktexlsr (if I understand correctly).


    I do not see any special handing for mktexlsr.pl

mktexlsr.pl is simply not listed in TL's linked_scripts/Makefile[.am],
thus no link is created for it in TL's make install.

    How can we determine which linked scripts Gentoo should symlink 
    and which not?

1) Current answer: instead of doing a directory listing of
linked_scripts (I gather that's what's happening?), you can read
the linked_scripts/scripts.lst file to determine the targets of the
symlinks. The names of the symlinks are the basename except for
listing-ext.sh and memoize-*. I believe that is what other distros are

2) Near future answer: I plan to autocreate a second file that lists
both the targets and the link names, to eliminate the exceptions.  I
don't have an ETA, but it is pretty high on my list.  (If someone else
wants to tweak Makefile.am to do this, so much the better.) --thanks, karl.

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