[tldistro] dvisvgm is building bundled libs when it shouldn't?

Edd Barrett edd at theunixzoo.co.uk
Mon May 6 22:22:04 CEST 2024

Hi Karl,

On Fri, May 03, 2024 at 04:33:05PM -0600, Karl Berry wrote:
> I expect that I unintentionally broke this as a byproduct of making the
> native TL build work. Doing that is complex enough that I've never even
> thought about the non-native-TL case, and, sadly, have basically no time
> or interest in working on it (though patches would be welcome, of course).

No worries. It must be a nightmare stitching all of this together.

> Thus, my suggestion is to build dvisvgm from the original upstream
> source instead of as part of TL. I suspect that will go much easier for
> you (and all distros).  And if there are problems, at least the dvisvgm
> maintainer will find it easier to respond to reports independent of TL.

As I understand, I only need the binary executable, right? Everything else is
in the texmf tree?

Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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