[tldistro] dvisvgm is building bundled libs when it shouldn't?

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sat May 4 00:33:05 CEST 2024

Hi Edd,

    What am I missing? Is there a way to link to the system libs?

I expect that I unintentionally broke this as a byproduct of making the
native TL build work. Doing that is complex enough that I've never even
thought about the non-native-TL case, and, sadly, have basically no time
or interest in working on it (though patches would be welcome, of course).

Thus, my suggestion is to build dvisvgm from the original upstream
source instead of as part of TL. I suspect that will go much easier for
you (and all distros).  And if there are problems, at least the dvisvgm
maintainer will find it easier to respond to reports independent of TL.

Although building with --disable-native-texlive-build "should" be
equivalent to building upstream, it doesn't surprise me that it
isn't. Sorry :(. --best, karl.

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