[tldistro] TexLive on MSYS2

Naveen M K naveen at syrusdark.website
Fri Apr 23 07:35:13 CEST 2021

Hi Norbert,

> So, the question is, did you generate
> 	language.def
> 	language.dat.lua
> 	language.dat
> all three of them **depending** on the actual packages installed?

No. Those are all the defaults.
Is it something which will be automatically generated? Or it should be 
done like the `*.maps` and `*.fmts`? If it's something which needs to be 
generated beforehand, how to(It would be great if you could point to the 
code used in tlmgr)?

> (similar to fmtutil.cnf and updmap.cfg!).

Aren't fmtutil.cnf and updmap.cfg automatically created? Like I have 
been doing

    # remove upstream updmap.cfg: it will be autogenerated
    rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/updmap.cfg"
    # remove upstream fmtutil.cnf: it will be autogenerated
    rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/fmtutil.cnf"

and expecting the hooks there to create them.
Or again I'm missing something?



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