[tldistro] TexLive on MSYS2

Norbert Preining norbert at preining.info
Fri Apr 23 00:54:10 CEST 2021

On Fri, 23 Apr 2021, Naveen M K wrote:
> `hyphen-afrikaans`, and in the archive's I prepared I didn't include them,
> because it doesn't belong to `scheme-medium`. It would be great if anyone
> can help me if I am doing anything wrong.

Well, it is loaded from 

> fmtutil: running `xetex -ini   -jobname=xetex -progname=xetex -etex xetex.ini' ...
> (d:/a/_temp/msys/msys64/mingw64/etc/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.def
> (d:/a/_temp/msys/msys64/mingw64/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/hyphen/hyphen.tex)
> ! I can't find file `loadhyph-af.tex'.

So, the question is, did you generate
all three of them **depending** on the actual packages installed?

language.def in my case looks like:

%% e-TeX V2.0;2
% Note: the first line of this file must match the corresponding line
% in "etex.src" and "etexdefs.lib", otherwise fallback will be used.

% $Id: language.us.def 18737 2010-06-04 17:09:02Z karl $
% language.us.def (and the start of language.def)
% - initial hyphenation patterns.

% DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE (language.def)! It is generated by tlmgr.
% See language.dat (or language.us) for more information.

% It is explicitly permitted to augment this file by adding additional
% \addlanguage ... commands AFTER the first (\addlanguage {USenglish})
% which must remain as the first language added to ensure total document
% portability for pre-\language documents.  The last line of the file
% MUST be left as \uselanguage {USenglish} for the sane reason.

% Additional languages, patterns, exceptions and left- and right-hyphen
% minima may be added here, and an example is given for German.

% The five parameters for \addlanguage are:
% language, patterns file, exceptions file, left- and right-hyphen minima

%%% Next section is      E X A M P L E   O N L Y
%%% \addlanguage {German}{ghyph31}{}{2}{2}   %%% further such lines may be used;
%%% Previous section is  E X A M P L E   O N L Y

\addlanguage {USenglish}{hyphen}{}{2}{3} %%% This MUST be the first non-comment
                                         %%% line of the file

% from dehyph-exptl:
% from hyphen-afrikaans:


You can see in the lower part that the packages installed and shipping
hyphen patterns add entries there.

So I can only guess that you haven't properly initialized the above
three files (similar to fmtutil.cnf and updmap.cfg!).



PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Fujitsu Research  +  IFMGA Guide  +  TU Wien  +  TeX Live  + Debian Dev
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