[tlbuild] mflua c99 trial rebuild

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 09:29:19 CET 2021

On Wed, 13 Jan 2021 at 01:03, Richard Koch wrote:
> Recall that Arm doesn't support X11 because the open source X11 distribution hasn't been extended to Arm.

It's pretty irrelevant since I won't miss any of the X11 stuff in TeX
Live, but I believe there is no strong technical reason for the lack
of X11 on Arm (in contrast to Carbon which wasn't available for 64-bit
at all and wasn't open source either, so there was no workaround).

I believe it works under MacPorts (I'm not following too closely
though) and judging from
with pretty high activity of the main developer at Apple within the
last few days it's not unlikely that we would eventually see an
official installer for Arm.

But X11 looks horrible on macOS anyway, and the binaries that require
X11 are pretty niche.

Also, many binaries that require X11 (outside of TeX Live) can be
built with Quartz (not equal to XQuartz) and work natively. GTK ones
in particular. It might be that porting those few binaries to "native
quartz" would be relatively straightforward, but I never looked into


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