[texworks] Suggestion: set the PATH before running tools

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 21:05:06 CET 2022

TeXworks 0.6.7 on MacOS has an editable list of paths in Preferences | 
Typesetting.  Presumably these are used by it when looking for any of 
the tools listed in the Processing Tools settings.

However, those tools will see the standard PATH environment variable 
that TeXworks saw when it started.  This means for example that scripts 
using pdflatex might not be able to find it, even though TeXworks itself 
knows where it is.

Since editing the PATH seen by apps on MacOS is a pretty obscure 
exercise, my suggestion is that TeXWorks should append the entries from 
Preferences | Typesetting to the PATH before running the other tools.
(It could be fancy and only append the entries that aren't already 
there, but that's not really necessary.)

Duncan Murdoch

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