[texworks] Is not properly configured

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 16:44:10 CEST 2022

Hi pengyouen(?),

Perhaps you need to check that your *tex installation is setup properly, or
even  install it for the first time?

Here are a couple of helpful links. . .

For Mac...


And more generally . . .


Hope this helps

Kind regards,

On Tuesday, 4 October 2022, Haven’t decided yet還沒決定 <a0976701265 at gmail.com>
> Hi! I had install the appropriate version for my old Mac, but no matter
how I use it’s still
> Show me "pdflatex Is not properly configured” and I try to find the
answer from internet,
> But I still can’t not find , could u help me to solve this problem? Thank
u so much
> ----- configuration info -----
> TeXworks version : 0.6.7 ("github") [r.23c4c74, 2022/2/26 下午7:03]
> Install location : /Users/pengyouen/Desktop/TeXworks.app
> Library path     : /Users/pengyouen/Library/Application
> pdfTeX location  : not found
> Operating system : Mac OS X 10.14.6 (Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Tue
Jun 22 19:37:08 PDT 2021; root:xnu-4903.278.70~1/RELEASE_X86_64)
> Qt version       : 5.12.12 (build) / 5.12.12 (runtime)
> ------------------------------
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