[texworks] MiKTeX: reconizing italian language (there is not syllabation and titles are in English)

emilio.zendri at alice.it emilio.zendri at alice.it
Wed Aug 11 13:09:54 CEST 2021

Dear All,

First of all sorry to disturb you.
My name is Emilio Zendri (Italy). I am an Italian engineer 62 year old; 
I am near to retiring and I would wish learn LaTeX to, at least, a level 
that allows me to write good documents about subjects I am concerned 
I even did not know the existence of LaTeX up to some months ago. 
However, I am really interested about it, because I think it would be a 
very powerful tool for me.
So, I have downloaded MiKTeX and started to use it. Of course, I would 
wish to write also in Italian.
In my short experience up to now with the program, I have met a problem 
that so far I have not been able to solve; in the version I am using I 
am not able to set up the Italian language. This generates two problems; 
1) the syllabation is absent and, 2) the titles are in English (for 
example “Chapter 1” instead of “Capitolo 1”).

I describe here the first part of the preamble I have used.

%Pacchetti "aggiuntivi", nell'ordine (other packages in the order)

The program does not accept \usepackage[italian]{babel}
If I write “Italian” (as above), a window appears that says:
This required file could not be found: Italian.ldf
The file is a part of this package: babel-italian etc. (see the image 

Could you suggest me the way to overcome the problem?
Tanks a lot

Emilio Zendri
Rome – Italy
emilio.zendri at alice.it <mailto:emilio.zendri at alice.it>

PS: if necessary I could give more details.

----- configuration info -----

TeXworks version : 0.6.5r.649699a0

MiKTeX version   : MiKTeX 21.2

Install location : 

Library path     : 

pdfTeX location  : 

Operating system : Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit, build 17134

Qt version       : 5.15.2 (build) / 5.15.0 (runtime)

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